あゆみクリニック 女医 宮沢あゆみ 女性外来 婦人科 千代田区 完全予約制

あゆみクリニック(女医 宮沢あゆみ)は東京都千代田区、小川町駅、淡路町駅、新御茶ノ水駅近くの女性外来・婦人科です。


ホーム > 医師の紹介 > 「天職適齢」宮沢あゆみ著






二つの職業の実態を 浮き彫りにした「職業ドキュメンタリー」という側面である。本書を読んでいただければ、記者と医者という職業の実態を、興味を持って知っていただくことができるだろう。



  天職適齢 目次

   第一章 人生の選択
     サラリーマン人生の不確定さ 10
     決断させた母の病と死 22

   第二章 TBS報道記者時代
     TBS入社 28
     初仕事はギャグのネタづくり 46
     政治経済部に配属 59
     女性初の総理番記者 71 
     権謀術数の「衆議院解散」 81
     「大型間接税導入は考えていない」の言質を引き出す 86

    第三章 医学部入学
     10年ぶりの受験勉強 98
     医学部というところ 103
     医学部生のひ弱さ 111
     家庭教師で食いつなぐ 118
     綱渡りの連続だった学費納入 121
     宇宙語のような生化学講義 128
     つかみどころのない生理学 137
     ゴロ合わせで覚えた薬理学 144
     神秘的だった脳の構造 157
     ついに「幽霊学生」となる 162
     ニューヨーク留学 168
     実践的な医学教育 169
     厳しい競争社会 177
     実力が問われる臨床実地試験 180
     スリリングだった外科実習 184
     女性のトータル・ヘルスケアを目指して 189
     踏み倒された学費 192

    第四章 いま、臨床医として
     人品卑しい医者 208
     看護婦の百面相 220
     過剰手術の罪と罰 228
     三通のカルテより 237
     病は誰のもの 250

    終章 人生のシナリオは自分で書く


“Where there is a will, there is a way”
  An autobiography in Japanese

 This is a book written by a unique Japanese woman who changed her career from a TV journalist to a medical doctor dramatically in her thirties.

Ayumi Miyazawa was the first female journalist to work in the Political Economic Department at Tokyo broadcasting System.

During her tenure she was chosen to cover the elections of The House of Representatives and The House of Councilors. During one press conference, she made Prime Minister Nakasone publicly guarantee that he would not introduce a new consumption tax, even if his party were to win the election. Unfortunately, after winning the election however, he failed to keep his promise. This broken promise became his weak point and eventually the newly elected cabinet was forced to resign.

When she turned twenty-seven years old, her life changed. Her mother, who had been battling cancer for eighteen years, died. She will never forget her mother ‘ s pain and suffering and everything they both went through during this very trying time in their lives. This tragedy put her into deep thought and she began wondering why this painful and debilitating disease took her mother ‘ s life. Over the course of the next four years, she gradually decided to change the direction of her own life forever. This new direction took her into the world of medicine where she decided to pursue a new career path and become a medical doctor.

She studied hard and successfully entered medical school. After becoming a medical student, she kept working in order to earn all of her school expenses and cost of living. She also struggled against the conservative medical world, and the many professors who look upon themselves as special people and are so arrogant in their attitude. While she was at the medical school, she passed the exchange program and was enrolled at New York Medical College in the U.S.A. as an exchange student. There, she recognized that medicine has no boundary.

Presently, she is working as a doctor at the OBGYN section of Tokyo Metropolitan Bokutou General Hospital . She has decided that she wants to care for women ‘ s health and for individuals who are terminally ill. Not only the political world, but also the medical world is full of inconsistencies and irrationalities. She does not stop fighting against such inconsistencies and irrationalities. She continues her dual careers as a journalist and a doctor, and struggles to change the conservative medical world by writing books.

Indeed, there are a lot of obstacles to overcome along the way if one is to see one ‘ s dreams become reality. Since she did not give up and persisted in her studies, her dream eventually came true. Where there is a will, there is a way.

診療時間 診療時間 診療時間